Aerospace and Transportation Systems Research Group Front Page Professor Eric Feron leads the so-called ATS research group, which stands for Aerospace and Transportation Systems Research Group The Aerospace and Transportation Systems research group at KAUST is engaged in a variety of projects involving intelligent autonomous systems either acting alone or within a distributed decision architecture with other autonomous agents and/or human actors. Representative topics of interest include aerial swarms, inspection and repair, area patrolling, programmable self-assembly, pedestrian crowd modeling, and smart grid management. Our research follows the broad
Aerial Robotics Aerial Robotics Mankind has looked up to creatures of the sky and dreamt of flight. While this dream has been well realized through modern passenger and cargo flight technologies, recent developments in various technologies have propelled aerial robotics to the front lines of research and technology. Drones, and aerial robots in general, experienced an exponential widespread in several applications in the past decade. Civilian applications are by far predominant and vary from the mundane tasks of transportation and delivery to the more sophisticated ones of remote sensing, security, and
Contact us Shinkyu Park Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering KAUST RISC Lab Eric Feron Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering KAUST RISC Lab
Facilities Facilities RISC lab facilities include various mobile platforms (aerial, ground, and marine) and robotic manipulators, both commercial and in-house designs; a host of onboard computation, communication, and sensing modules; and supporting manufacturing and machining capabilities. Flight arena with motion capture system Clearpath Husky with UR5 and other small AGV platforms Mechatronics and in-house manufacturing and machining Underwater & surface autonomous vehicles and water tank
Research The research in the RISC Lab is focused on the following topics: Aerial Robotics Distributed Systems Flight and Transportation Systems Smart Manufacturing Underwater Robotics Robots and the City
RISC Lab The KAUST Robotics, Intelligent Systems, and Control Lab (KAUST RISC Lab) focuses on all aspects of robotics and embedded intelligence. RISC is engaged in a variety of projects involving intelligent autonomous systems either acting alone or within a distributed decision architecture with other autonomous agents and/or human actors. Representative topics of interest include aerial operations, underwater mapping and manipulation, robotic self-maintenance and regeneration, safe intelligence, and intelligent prothesis design. Our research follows the broad themes of: Autonomy: Design of robotic
RISC Lab Press Highlights Prof.Eric Feron visit to RIOTU and PSU 11-04-2021 to 13-04-2021 Collaboration between RIOTU Lab and RISC Lab and also between the two Universities PSU and KAUST. link Anwaar Alghamdi MS thesis defense 2020-07-22 Anwaar Alghamdi successfully defends MS thesis: A Game-Theoretic Implementation of the Aerial Coverage Problem. IFAC High Impact Paper Award 2020-07-12 Jeff Shamma to receive the IFAC High Impact Paper Award for the paper: “Research on gain scheduling”, Automatica, Vol. 36, pp. 1401-1425, 2000 (coauthored with Prof. Wilson J. Rugh). The award presentation will be at the upcoming 21st
Teaching EE271A/ME221A: Control Theory A This course presents fundamental topics for the analysis of linear dynamical systems, i.e., systems that evolve in time that are admit an underlying linear structure. The material in this course serves as the foundation for continued study in more advanced courses in control design and system theory. EE372: Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control Dynamic programming is a framework for deriving optimal decision strategies in evolving and uncertain environments. Topics include the principle of optimality in deterministic and stochastic settings, value and policy
Technical Reports Ariadne: A common-sense thread for enabling provable safety in air mobility systems with unreliable components link